Vertical: A jump consisting of poles placed vertically on top of each other with no spread.
Oxer: Two verticals close together to widen the jump. (Spread)
Triple Bar: Spread fence with 3 jumps of different heights.
Cross Rail: Two jump poles that form an "x". The jump is lower in the middle and is commonly used for beginners.
Liverpool:Pool of water under a vertical or oxer.
Bounce: Multiple fences with no strides in between the jumps
Brush Fence: Fence with a solid bottom with brush on top.
Wall: Solid jump that is usually made to resemble brick or stone, but is made of lightweight material.
Hogsback: Spread with 3 rails, and the tallest rail is the highest.
Bank: Jumps that go from one level to another.
Filler: The part below some fences, like flowers, gates, boxes, or rolltops.

Combination: Combination of 2 or 3 jumps in a row.
Open Water: Wide gulley of water